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Apply Now to the ºÃÀ³ÎÛÓ°Ôº Nursing Program

Become a nurse at ºÃÀ³ÎÛÓ°Ôº!

There’s a critical need for nurses in Florida. With a nursing degree or certificate from ºÃÀ³ÎÛÓ°Ôº you'll be prepared to earn your licensure and begin a career in the healthcare industry. Work in a hospital, nursing home, physician's office, clinic, long-term care facility or private home.

Now Accepting Applications for Fall 2024!

The Track 2 Summer 2024 program closes February 16, 2024.

Find out more about the A.S. Degree program, or !

Or, start your journey in the Nursing Assistant Program or one of our other Health Science programs.

For more information about the School of Nursing, email ºÃÀ³ÎÛÓ°ÔºSONPrograminfo@irsc.edu

Join us in our newly reimagined space on the Pruitt Campus in Port St. Lucie!

The new School of Nursing includes state-of-the-art nursing classrooms and simulated clinical settings.

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