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ºÃÀ³ÎÛÓ°Ôº Main Campus Naming Dedication Ceremony Recognizes Massey's Accomplishments

ºÃÀ³ÎÛÓ°Ôº Main Campus Naming Dedication Ceremony Recognizes Massey's Accomplishments

August 28, 2020 Robert Lane

ºÃÀ³ÎÛÓ°Ôº President Edwin Massey has long been regarded as visionary by his colleagues and by higher education professionals across the nation. His leadership and vision were celebrated on Tuesday, August 25, when the District Board of Trustees renamed the ºÃÀ³ÎÛÓ°Ôº flagship campus in Fort Pierce, in his honor.

Those wishing to make a gift to honor the legacy of Dr. Massey’s service to our communities may contribute to the Massey Family Endowed Scholarship at .

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